

Seaford Day Surgery’s Vision is to be recognised for providing the best care for day procedure unit patients in southern Adelaide.  Seaford Day Surgery believes that a safe working environment is essential to quality health care and patient well-being.

We recognise that quality improvements have a direct relationship with our performance and aim to operate our business in a manner that consistently meets or exceeds the quality standards set by our stakeholders.  We are committed to the continuous improvement of our operations and maintaining a strong customer focus which will lead to the longer-term sustainability and profitability of Seaford Day Surgery.

Our Quality Framework has been developed in accordance with Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare (NSQHS) Standards thereby ensuring the highest standard of patient care is given and that the needs and expectations of consumers, staff, visiting medical officers, our Board of Management and Medical Advisory Committee are effectively met.

Patient Rights

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights of patients and other people using the Australian health system. These rights are essential to make sure that, wherever and whenever care is provided, it is of high quality and is safe.

The Charter recognises that people receiving care and people providing care all have important parts to play in achieving healthcare rights. The Charter allows patients, consumers, families, carers and services providing health care to share an understanding of the rights of people receiving health care. This helps everyone to work together towards a safe and high-quality health system.

A genuine partnership between patients, consumers and providers is important so that everyone achieves the best possible outcomes.

To find out more information, click here.

Patient Experience

Seaford Day Surgery is committed to learning from feedback which provides us the opportunity to continually improve the delivery of the healthcare service we provide.  We actively seek feedback from our patients, their carers and our community through our patient experience survey, conversations with our clinical team, compliments and complaints received in writing and through our website.

Patient experience surveys include the Australian Patient Experience Question Set, created by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and benchmarked through QPS Benchmarking. The information received from our patient experience surveys provides us with vital information on the experience of our patients and helps us identify where our services could be improved.

Net Promoter Score

Patients are asked: ‘How likely would you be to recommend the care, treatment and services of Seaford Day Surgery to family and friends?’

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Survey Highlights

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Clinical Quality & Safety Indicators

We conduct benchmarking of our clinical indicators through QPS Benchmarking.  Benchmarking occurs against other day surgeries in Australia.

Medication Errors

A medication error is described as errors in prescribing, dispensing, or administering medication.  Our staff are trained in risk identification and incident management to support the safe use of medicines.

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Patient Incidents & Near Misses

Patient Incidents & Near Misses are defined as the total number of patient incidents and near misses, i.e. those that do not result in unintended harm e.g. medication error resulting in no harm, slip or falls resulting in no injury, potential accident, lack of consent, expressed as a percentage of the total number of patients admitted.

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Patient Adverse Events

Patient Adverse Events are defined as the total number of patient adverse events occurring expressed as a percentage of the total number of patients admitted.  An adverse event is an incident in which unintended harm resulted to a person receiving health care, e.g. skin tears, pressure injury, return to theatre, haemorrhage, aspiration, other complications.

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Open Disclosure

Seaford Day Surgery aligns itself with National Open Disclosure Standards and replicates these in the service we provide. Open disclosure involves discussing incidents that have occurred affecting patient safety with staff and patients.

Open disclosure is described within the Australian Open Disclosure Framework as:

“An open discussion with a patient about an incident(s) that resulted in harm to that patient while they were receiving health care. The elements of open disclosure are an apology or expression of regret (including the word ‘sorry’), a factual explanation of what happened, an opportunity for the patient to relate their experience, and an explanation of the steps being taken to manage the event and prevent recurrence.”

To find out more information, click the links below:

Open Disclosure – what to expect if you experience harm during health care

Preparing and participating in open disclosure discussions

Consumer & Community Advisory Group

We have established a Consumer and Community Advisory Group whose purpose is to provide a forum to encourage consumer participation and partnership in developing better consumer focused health services.

Our Partnering with Consumers Framework outlines our commitment to engage with consumers, carers, and our community.  The Framework identifies six core values – Compassion, Respect, Dignity, Care, Inclusive and Empowered – which set the standard for all our interactions.  It is critical to the experience of our consumers, carers, and community that our entire organisation ‘live’ and project these values in our day-to-day interactions.  Our integrity and authenticity are reflected in the overwhelmingly positive experiences of our consumers, carers, and community.

We encourage you to contact us if you would like to join our Advisory Group.