Seaford Day Surgery is a new hospital, designed to ensure patients have access to the latest equipment and highly trained staff. Our dedicated team are committed to providing patients with personalised, safe and high-quality healthcare. We believe every person has the right to be informed and involved in every stage of their healthcare.
Seaford Day Surgery, has two purpose-built theatres with first and second stage recovery areas. Consulting and administrative spaces are available for clients to access Specialists in the Southern areas rather than travelling to the city.
Seaford Day Surgery is committed to providing the highest standards of care demonstrated by accreditation against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS Standards).
Seaford Day Surgery has a comprehensive infection prevention and control program in place. Our facility and staff are regularly audited for compliance with National infection prevention and control guidelines, Australian Standards for reprocessing of reusable instruments and the Australian Commission on Quality & Safety in Healthcare (AQSQHS) National Safety & Quality Health Service Standards.
We respect your privacy and support the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. Your information will remain confidential unless the law provides for disclosure or the patient directs otherwise. There may be times when information will need to be shared between health providers.